Centrifugal Oil Cleaner

Diesel Engine Attachment

For Engine Application

Increased Engine Life, Improved Engine Performance

Centrifugal Oil Cleaner removes very fine dirt from Lube Oil up to 1 µ & below. Present engine filtration system (including super by-pass filter) cannot remove such fine particles. With clean lube oil, Engine wear & tear is substantially reduced, particularly of the tight clearance components like Piston Rings and Liners, Camshafts and Bearings, Turbo Charger, Gear Trains etc. Effective removal of Carbon soot prevents Ring Sticking and Clogging of oil passages Improving engine performance.

Working Principal

  • Centrifuge works on reaction turbine principle.
  • Reaction torque created by Oil spraying thru two nozzles (placed tangentially and in opposite direction). spins rotor at speed up to 8000 RPM
  • This develops centrifugal forces 2000 times greater than gravity, separating smallest particles from oil (depositing it on the inner wall of the rotor).
  • Clean oil returns to the sump by gravity.

Advantage of Enshinmaz Centrifugal Oil Cleaner over Conventional Filter:

  • Able to remove Carbon soot Centrifugal force is capable of removing a wide range of particles extending into sub-micron range
  • Full flow filters (about 20 to 30 micron) cannot separate fine particles including carbon soot from oil (below 5 micron).
  • By pass Filter (5 micron) require frequent replacement and cannot remove carbon soot below 5 microns.
  • Fully reusable, Not require replacement filter.
  • Able to collect large amount of carbon soot (50 times more than bypass filter).

Model Selection Guide

Customer reference after installation for two years, engine still looks new and clean without any needs of overhaul

Enlightened Summit Sdn Bhd (ES)

199901018865 (493765-W)

Address: No.11, Jalan Makyong 5A/KU5, Bandar Bukit Raja, 41050 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

+(60)3 - 3343 6181
+(60)3 - 3358 6181

+(60)3 - 3343 9228


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