Type of Oil: Hydraulic Oil

Customer to deliver & self-collect in batch

›Depending On The Existing Oil Condition, Apply Multiple Technologies:

  • DX Disc-Centrifugal Oil Separator
  • DPM Vacuum Dehydration System
  • CDOC Electrostatic Oil Cleaner

›Oil Sample Will Be Taken For Result Testing Purposes:

  • Viscosity Test
  • DPM Vacuum Dehydration System
  • Membrane Filter Contaminant Test

Ensure results ends with NAS 7 grade, with moisture content ‹0.5%

Samples are taken before & after the cleaning process

›Oil Sample Testing Report

›Results Will Be Recorded In A Test Report Include

  • Contamination Test
  • Viscosity Test
  • Moisture Content Test

›Membrane Filter Contaminant Test

  • Oil sample goes through membrane filter (0.8 micron)
  • Contaminant larger than 0.8 micron will be remain on the membrane filter
  • Results will be recorded in a Test Report



›Particle Count

  • Measuring cell with regard to their size and number using laser
  • Measured value provided according to ISO 4406 standard

›Viscosity Test

  • Standard Oil Viscosity Test Equipment ready in ES
  • Data collected will be recorded as proof & show to customer

›Moisture Content Test

  • Moisture content of oil will be checked consistently throughout the whole cleaning process
  • Ensure moisture level reduced to Standard Value

›Picture Of Oil Process Results Oil Cleaning Results Reduction By CDOC

›Moisture Reduction By DPM


  • Each tank of oil received will be labelled with lot no.
  • After completion of process, Cleaned Oil will be labelled accordingly
  • Ensure process carried out systematically

›Standard Procedure

  • ES performs contract cleaning service with S.O.P.
  • Ensure process within time frame & correct execution

Enlightened Summit Sdn Bhd (ES)

199901018865 (493765-W)

Address: No.11, Jalan Makyong 5A/KU5, Bandar Bukit Raja, 41050 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

+(60)3 - 3343 6181
+(60)3 - 3358 6181

+(60)3 - 3343 9228

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