About Sanda


Sanshou (散手), also known as Sanda (散打), is a full contact fighting system and combat sport developed from Chinese martial arts. Although the term is traditionally used to refer to any form of free-fighting in Chinese martial arts, the term today more commonly refers to the modern combat sport. Both terms, Sanshou and Sanda, are interchangeable. Originally the term ‘Sanshou’ (free-hand) was used as a euphemism for the violent sport and gained popularity throughout the world. In recent years there has been a push by the governing bodies to officially adopt the term ‘Sanda’ (free-fighting) which is more familiar in China.

  • · (一) 48公斤级 / 48kg below
  • · (二) 52公斤级 / 52kg below
  • · (三) 56公斤级 / 56kg below
  • · (四) 60公斤级 / 60kg below
  • · (五) 65公斤级 / 65kg below
  • · (六) 70公斤级 / 70kg below
  • · (七) 75公斤级 / 75kg below
  • · (八) 80公斤级 / 80kg below
  • · (九) 85公斤级 / 85kg below
  • · (十) 90公斤级 / 90kg below
  • · (十一) 90公斤级以上级 / 90 kg above


拳套 Sanda Glove

护当 Groin Guard

护当 Groin Guard

护身 Body Protector

护齿 Mouth Guard

Fighting Methods, Scoring Criteriaand Penalties

使用方法 Fighting Methods

  • 可以使用武术散手的各种攻防招法。
    All attacking and defendingtechniques of sanshou may be used in fighting.

禁用方法Prohibited Methods

  • 1.用头、肘、膝和致使反关节的动作攻击对方。
    - Attacking with the head, the elbow, or the knee, or by twisting the opponent's joints.

  • 2.用迫使对方头部先着地的摔法或有意砸压对方。
    - Forcing the opponent to fall head over heels, or intentionally smashing or pressing him down.

  • 3.用任何方法攻击倒地方的头部。
    - Hitting the opponent’s head by any means when he is already down.

得分部位Scoring Areas

  • 头部、躯干、大腿。
    - The head, the trunk and the thighs.

散打 (体育格斗运动)
Sanda(Sports Fighting)

Sanda, also known as Sanshou, is a self-defence system and combat sport. It is a martial art which was developed by the Chinese military and the techniques incorporate kicking, punching and throwing integrated into set routines following specific rules and patterns.

散打特点 / The Characteristics of Sanda

(一) 体育性 Sports
Sanda belongs to the sports category. Practising Sanda can develops physical fitness, mental agility and concentration, improves self-defense skills and strength the body.

(二) 对抗性 Confrontation
Both participators should possess the basic technical skills of Sanda. Even though there is no fixed specification for the competition, but there are rules strictly to be followed during the competition.

(三) 民族性 National Ethnic
散打是中华民族文化遗产。它的重点在于现实的战斗能力,技能融入拳法、腿法和摔法综 合一起,它的侵略性足以对付任何其他武术风格。
Sanda is the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The emphasis of Sanda is on realistic fighting ability whereby techniques incorporate on punches, kicks and wrestling. Its aggressiveness enables one to fight very effective against any other martial arts styles.

(四) 观赏性 Ornamental 随着散打运动日益发展,已顺利成为世界举目的体育竞赛项目。
With the growing of Sanda, it has becomes a favorite sporting event in the world.

(五) 防身自卫 Self-defense Ability
散打是技术全面的技击术,具有很强的攻击力和完善的防守方法。通过训练,在受到攻击 时的一瞬间能迅速做出相应的防守反应并进行反击,达到防身自卫的目的。
Sanda is a comprehensive technical skills, with a strong attack and defense methods. Through training, the fighter can quickly make the appropriate defense response and counterattack during unsafe situation to achieve the purpose of self-defense.

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