1. What is Wushu

Wu Shu (simplified:武术, traditional:武術), better known in the West as “Kung Fu,” is literally translated as “martial arts.” The character Wu (martial), however, means “to stop fighting.” Thus, the deepest meaning behind wushu is to promote peace over violence.

In the mid-20th century, the martial arts scene in China was characterized by hundreds of different styles, and there was no official outlet for ranking or comparisons between the different schools and among different masters (i.e. the most common way was through open challenges [combat]). In an attempt to make the martial arts more accessible, and to enable official standards of excellence to be created, the leading martial arts masters in China, by the request of the government, created the sport of Wushu in 1949, a martial arts style that combined the best and most common moves out of the hundreds of styles in existence, and coupled it with Beijing Opera. The result was a style of martial arts that both kept traditional and lethal moves and is aesthetically pleasing to watch. Modern Wushu is split up into Taolu, which is the performance art (forms), and Sanda (sanshou [sparring]).

Wushu is the sport that is practiced by and was made famous by Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and most Hollywood and Hong Kong stuntmen and women.

Basic Types
There are two prominent types of Wushu − Sanshou (Sanda) and TaoLu (Pattern)


Unlike Sanshou, Taolu is the demonstrative part of the fighting skill. Here the fighters demonstrate Wushu skills like energy, speed, agility, and rhythm. They can perform these demonstrations with or without the opponent according to the requirement of the game. Taolu is recognized in Asian and Olympic Games, and is keenly played in all categories like senior, junior, or sub-junior levels.

Sanshou (Sanda)

It is derived from its name ‘San’ means three and ‘shou’ means arts. Sanshou is a combination of three styles of fighting: throwing, punching, and kicking. It is a combat part of Wushu. Due to these styles, Wushu is different from other fight sports such as Boxing, Wrestling, and Judo. Sanshou was introduced in the international arena in track events in the year 1979. After that, it has become one of the most popular events among athletics players and viewers.

Regulating Bodies

International Wushu Federation (IWUF) is an international sports organization established in Beijing, China on October 3, 1990, with the aim to promote competitive Wushu. The Federation is actively working on getting Wushu to become a demonstration game since 1992. The Federation also helps other federations around the world to organize Wushu competitions and events.

2. What is Wushudao

Wushudao is a hard and soft and complete martial art, as well as a full-contact sport. Wushudao (A New Form Of Wushu Academy or Modern Wushu Academy) founded by Grandmaster Wong Yew Meng in 2004 and registered under Wushu Federation Of Selangor and W.P Kuala Lumpur in 2005. As an affiliated member of the Wushu Federation, WUSHUDAO has been active in its effort to spread its influences to promote Wushu Sanda, Wushu TaoLu & Self-Defense in Klang Valley and also throughout the country. WUSHUDAO emphasizes the discipline of students apart from improving their health and building up their confidence.

It is important to note that under the communist government in mainland China, Wushu has been completely changed, codified, and modified. Therefore, it would be most proper to distinguish between modern Wushu (hsiandai Wushu) and traditional Wushu (chuantong Wushu). Modern Wushu is a performance-oriented art based loosely on the traditional styles and methods whereas traditional Wushu is more of a self-defense system elaborated over generations. It usually encompasses hand-to-hand fighting, traditional weapons, internal energy cultivation, knowledge of Chinese medicine, TitTar, and many more. In today’s world, there are traditional kung fu schools, modern Wushu schools, and schools that practice a bit of both.

3. Wushudao Recognization

WUSHUDAO first introduced into schools through a co-curriculum program in 2004. Since then, WUSHUDAO receives myriad supports from governments, YB Senator Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP, YBhg. Dato' Seri, YBhg. Dato, YBhg. Datuk, Principals, Teachers, Parents, Schools authorities, Chinese Societies and Wushu Federation of Malaysia. All of this support has swelled a total of WUSHUDAO members, bringing WUSHUDAO's reputation to a greater height which is a stepping – stone for WUSHUDAO to spread its influence to other schools and across the country.

4. Wushudao Syllabus

The syllabus of WUSHUDAO has been formulated by Grandmaster Wong in his experiences as a national champion of Wushu Sanda in 2 years with no loss record and Wushu coaching experience since 1996. The syllabus has been set for all the members to go through, which is nine belt-levels before they reach Black-belt. To get through each belt level, students will be tested during the grading test which will be held every three months. A certificate will be awarded to those who have successfully passed the grading test.

5. Wushudao Courses

The courses in schools are Wushu TaoLu, Wushu Sanda, Wushudao Syllabus, and Self-Defense.

Wushudao – Objective

is played for a particular length of time in the presence of a team of judges and referees. The judges observe the performance for the entire time. They assign scores for an individual or a team based on the time is taken, errors committed, smoothness of movements, synchronization, and coordination among participants in case of a team, keeping good balance, rules followed or broken, and other important measurements of marking.

It is performed either individually as a player or as a team of players. The player or the team who scores the highest is declared as a winner.

Wushudao - Equipment

As it is a form of martial arts, the players are not required to wear much equipment which can interfere with the actions or make the body heavy. But some equipment is needed to protect from the punches and kicks. Let us see the equipment used for playing Wushudao.

Cup Protector

It is a type of athletic supporter to shield the players against severe injuries to the groin area.

Head Guard

This is used to protect the head from the opponent’s attack. This equipment is used for safety purposes. Sanshou players need to wear them.

Teeth Guards

In fighting, there may be a severe blow to one’s teeth. So to protect them, one has to wear teeth guards like boxing players. Sanshou players need to wear teeth guards.

Chest Guard

This is another piece of equipment for security purposes and the most important one because unlike boxing the blow from an opponent is mainly on the opponent’s chest. Hence, a Wushu fighter must wear a chest guard.

Shin Pad

These are regular boxing gloves used in Wushu to attack and defend the opponent. Sanshou players need to wear them.

Boxing Gloves

These are regular boxing gloves used in Wushu to attack and defend the opponent. Sanshou players need to wear them.

Kick Bag

This equipment is made out of leather and nylon. It is filled with sawdust or cotton cut piece clothes. Its circumference or diameter will be 10 feet in which kick and punch can combine at a time.

Punching Pad

It is also made out of leather and nylon. It is filled with a soft sponge. It is made in such a way that it can be a five-finger grip. However, it should be flat so that the power of punch can improve accordingly while punching.

Wushu Swords

Among the swords used in Wushu, the famous ones are Daoshu (a broad sword), Straight sword, Taiji sword, Gunshu, and Qianshu. The swords are sometimes tied with a tassel or beautiful silk cloth at the end that sways gracefully when the Wushu players move.

Wushu - Playing Environment

As we know that Wushu is of two types, one is Sanshou and the other is Taolu, there are different playing arenas for conducting game.

Sanshou Playing Environment

For Sanshou, the competition area is prepared using wood. The arena should be 80cm high, 800cm long, and 800cm wide. Here is how it looks

It needs to be covered with soft mats and a canvas surface on top of the mat. Also, the logo of IWUF must be displayed at the center of the platform. The boundaries of the platform are also engraved with a 5cm-wide red line. Inside 90cm of the boundaries of the platform, a straight line of 10cm-wide is marked.

It is performed either individually as a player or as a team of players. The player or the team who scores the highest is declared as a winner.

Taolu Playing Environment

Taolu competition is conducted on a carpet of which the length is 14m and breadth is 8m. There should be a mark of liner edge of 5cm breadth and also at the middle of the longer sideline, there is a line drawn of 30cm length and 5cm breadth. Taolu can also be played on a grass field.

6. Wushudao Grading Test

A Grading Test would be held every 12 Lessons for all the courses. Certification would be based on the courses to issue a certificate and signed by the examiner and/or Grandmaster Wong Yew Meng, YBhg Prof. Dato' Seri (Dr) Grandmaster Chris Leong Yann Kong, Grandmaster Ho Ro Bin based on the courses and category.

7. Wushudao Coaching Languages

WUSHUDAO first introduced into schools through a co-curriculum program in 2004. Since then, WUSHUDAO receives myriad supports from governments, YB Senator Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP, YBhg. Dato' Seri, YBhg. Dato, YBhg. Datuk, Principals, Teachers, Parents, Schools authorities, Chinese Societies and Wushu Federation of Malaysia. All of this support has swelled a total of WUSHUDAO members, bringing WUSHUDAO's reputation to a greater height which is a stepping – stone for WUSHUDAO to spread its influence to other schools and across the country.

8. Is Wushudao a modern Wushu?

Performing any kind of workout against the maximum resistance is called Maximum Strength. This level is very important for Wushudao warriors as they need to increase their maximum strength limit as much as possible.

To increase the maximum strength, the Wushudao players need to perform a particular exercise in sets. A set must be practiced for 3-7 times and the intensity of performance must vary gradually upwards from low to medium and to high.

Performing any kind of workout against the maximum resistance with high speed is a mark of Explosive Strength. It can be divided into three types −

Why join the Wushudao Team?

1) Physical fitness: For thousands of years, medicine, philosophy, religion, and martial arts, have been combined and modified in order to create wushu, a style that is intended to provide the ultimate in all-around well-being. Wushudao provides its practitioners with a high degree of flexibility, balance, and strength. Because of its emphasis on physically relaxing instead of brute force, Wushudao is very good for increasing blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.

2) Mental Discipline: The majority of the masters that have contributed most to wushu over the past few thousands of years have approached it from a martial perspective. Thus, wushu comes from a tradition that requires intense focus because, throughout its history, training was literally a life or death matter for many of its practitioners. At Wushudao, we stress the importance of having a complete understanding of, and intention behind, every movement. This high level of mental discipline and focus translates into all areas of one’s life, and has proved especially useful for all of us in the intense atmosphere at Wushudao Academy.

3) Safety Issue: Wushudao has the greatest variety of any martial art. It is also one of the safest martial arts; indeed, many of the team members are musicians who in other activities would have to worry constantly about hurting their hands. Wushudao is a great balance of traditional martial arts and lethal moves, and aestheticized performance and self-expression.

What is the commitment like? How often is practice?

We recommend coming as often as possible, three times per week being quite good. If you can’t attend that many classes because of scheduling problems we recommend training at home and/or scheduling private lessons. Regular practice will definitely ensure that you progress at a good pace. All students are allowed to attend as many classes as they like in our academy. Wushudao wants to make sure that you only feel pushed in the right ways, so it is never too late to start.

Do I need to get in shape before joining?

No! You need to make the first step and join. We will get you in shape. That is part of what we do. If you need extra help you can request a specialized training program from one of our instructors. The most important thing is to join, train regularly, and train smart. That means don’t try to emulate the superb athlete next to you. Train according to your capabilities so as to avoid injury and you will improve greatly. We have had students lose 50 pounds after only 1 year!

Do I need a uniform?

Yes, you do. The uniform consists of loose-fitting black pants, a red-top with an academy emblem, and a sash (color belt). We have uniforms in our academy and you shall purchase them before your first class. Students train with bare feet.

What does a typical class consist of?

We strive to find a good balance between consistently training basics and integrating some variety in our training. Therefore classes will vary depending upon students’ levels, aptitudes, etc. A typical class would start with a 20-30 minute warm-up. This warm-up would integrate many basic movements such as footwork drills, specialized hand techniques, and so on. Calisthenics and stretching exercises are also a part of the warm-up so you can expect to get in shape and increase your flexibility! After the warm-up period, students would practice their basic moves and forms. Two-person sets would probably follow next. Equipment training (focus pad striking or punching bags, etc) would likely follow. Generally, the class will finish with combat drills, freestyle sparring. Weapons are most often taught after class on a one-on-one basis although they may be taught in class also. Finally, classes will also on occasion focus on breathing exercises, specialized joint locks, and have a certain amount of theoretical lectures on martial arts theories and concepts.

What makes wushudao different from the other martial arts?

1) Self Defense: At Wushudao Academy, we actually teach the martial application behind each movement. As aforementioned, the sport of wushu has been aestheticized, which means that certain moves are not as effective as they were original, because certain moves have been changed to look more beautiful. We do not encourage anyone to use their martial arts training in combat situations, but Wushudao can be effective in self-defense situations. If you are looking to practice martial art solely for combat or solely for self-defense, we would recommend a different style.

2) Community Our team is like a big family. We all do our best to help each other out, inside and outside of the training hall.

What do I need to start?

It may sound trite, but really all you need is a good attitude. You must respect the instructors, your teammates, the training grounds, the equipment, and your audience. You must be open-minded and willing to work hard.

2) Community Our team is like a big family. We all do our best to help each other out, inside and outside of the training hall.

Can anyone start learning Wushudao?

Yes!! Of course, you simply have to decide to train regularly and with a positive attitude. If you make a concerted effort, your long-term goal of becoming skilled in real kung fu can be achieved. Plus you will get in great shape! You must also accept your own limitations and realize that learning Wushudao also means taking care of your body so that you may be able to practice regularly.

2) Community Our team is like a big family. We all do our best to help each other out, inside and outside of the training hall.

Is Wushudao suitable for ladies?

Not only is it suitable for ladies! Most of our movements involve using softness to overwhelming strength and shall we say “a woman’s cunning”, drawing on the Yin or feminine aspect of the human intellect. For example, a distraction and a groin strike are considered very good skill!

Do you have classes for children and are they same as the adult classes?

Our Academy offers children’s classes. Naturally, the curriculum is slightly different for the children’s programs. Children aged from 6 to 12 are learning the traditional art but a few martial games and exercises may be added for fun. Furthermore, the applications of some truly dangerous techniques will not be explained in too much detail until the children are mature enough to appreciate the consequences of said actions. Please consult the schedules and fees sections for more information on our very popular children’s programs.

Do you use color belts?

The idea of using a classification system to identify one’s supposed skill. Belt exams can be a positive thing as they can motivate people to train hard. Students may pass tests whether they are ready or not.

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