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    Dash cam is recording any sound in car by amplifying sound for clear recording. Even if there is no sound

    around camera, low noise may be recorded in recording sound. Please be aware that it is normally working.

    If you can not recognize sound for recording due to noise, you need to contact seller and manufacture shortly.


    Users who are using dash cam with constant power cable often trouble with this kind of issue.

     This problem is considered that dash cam take over voltage from car battery.

     Especially in winter season, there is more chance for discharge as frequently using heater, extended usage

     time of head lamp, fog light and navigation.

    Our products are only for car and it is not available to use with AC adapter.

    - First of all, you need to make sure that your connection of fuse cable is properly installed as per instruction.

        Personal user may be not familiar with hard wire compared with cigar jack cable.

        ACC(Red) need to be connected to a fuse which is powered when car engine is on.

        B+(Yellow) need to be connected to a fuse which maintain power even if car engine is off.

        GND(Black) should be connected to a volt which is physically contacted to metal surface around fuse box.

        And, you need to check battery life. Deteriorated battery affects battery shortage.

        If the problem is existed even after your test by using two methods, please contact to your seller or

    manufacture customer service center.


    Our dash cam has a function that it is automatically power off when dash cam detects below voltage value

     from car’s engine. We can say that our dash cam is fully working against discharge of car battery.

     But, please be informed that car battery may get discharged depend on battery condition and cold

    temperature in winter season according to its nature.

     So, if your battery has been using more than 2~3 years, please replace car battery for safety usage.


    Please insert memory card onto your PC. And, open dedicated PC viewer.

    Select right time zone and time at system section in setting. Please save it when you close viewer.

    Once all that is done, please insert your memory card back to camera and start it again.

    The setting is done in few second as your configuration.


    For your information, GPS must be away from dash cam due to interruption of GPS reception inside a car.

     If you install dash cam behind mirror on front, external GPS antenna is suggested to place upper left and

    right side.


    To switch into parking mode, dash cam need to have those information such as migratory routs, horizontal

    angle of car.  But, if your car is parked on slope, dash cam may not be recognized that car is not stopped.

    So, your vehicles maintains an angle more that specified value, dash cam may misunderstand that some

    events are occurred.


    Heavy tinting of windshield may influence video quality. The video quality gets too dark.

      For this case, we recommend that user remove tinting on where dash cam is installed.


    The focus out problem is caused by misplace when use install it, even if it is not lens faulty. So, please make

    sure dash cam is installed in over exposed location windshield. Please kindly move camera’s position and try to

    check video again. Before installing dash cam, user need to clean car’s wind screen in case of getting blurry

    video quality from dust, excessive tinting and back light.

    If it doesn’t work after you take all the solution, please contact your seller or manufacture by sending video

    including problem.

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